The Water for Life Decade celebrates CSAYN

CSAYN featured on Page 12 of UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) 2005-2015 Summary document.

Page 12 – International, Cameroon
• 1st International Competition IlustraMaxima. Saure Publishing

• Climate-Smart Agriculture Youth Network (CSAYN-Cameroon)

Climate-Smart Agriculture Youth Network (CSAYN) ‘s goal is to educate the youth and people living with disabilities on climate-smart agriculture practices, increasing agricultural productivity, and promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation.
CSAYN has joined the Water for Life Decade’s campaign. Affiliate groups have been launched in Cameroon, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Togo.

The Event in Pictures

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CC explaining CSAYN concept to the CAMPOST representative

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Visit to the stand by members of the public

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Population at the graduation ceremony

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Dr Njoya and the Volunteers

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Group Picture

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Founding members (from Lto R) CC Anoncho Valentine,
Nkeh Zita, Dr Njoya Mases