Climate Finance

Climate Finance

Carbon management has to do with the implementation of actions that would reduce emissions. It entails among others the measurement of carbon emissions associated with an activity, the identification and implementation of appropriate emission reduction strategies and reporting on the emission reductions.

Climate finance refers to financial flows from industrial countries to developing countries to help them in the transition to a low-carbon development path and to adapt to climate change. It further includes public and private sources of funding and the channels into the broad areas of mitigation, adaptation, and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).

Access to climate finance enables developing countries to implement climate change adaptation and mitigation projects and programs and financing is often channeled through international, regional and national entities. Climate finance sources includes the following among others: Adaptation Fud, Green Climate Fund, the private sector, national governments, voluntary carbon markets, compliant carbon market (CDM), Carbon Fund, NAMA Facility, Climate Investment Fund and bi-lateral and multilateral mechanisms. Many developing countries are now accessing climate finance for the implementation of climate smart agricultural activities.


Some potential key activities for CSAYN consideration

  • Capacity building of CSAYN members on accessing climate finance (including writing of convincing and winning research proposals for grants application).

Provision of technical support to vulnerable rural farmers on CSA activities with both adaptation and mitigation benefits (we can decide on the countries and group of farmers later).

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