My name is Paschal Mapinduzi Nchunda. I was born 37 years ago in Bukoba, lived and raised in the village of Muganza, Ngara District, Kagera Region, Tanzania.
I was trained to be patient, remain humble and grateful at the Catholic Katoke Seminary School before joining higher education for my Bachelor Degree in Ethics and Development Studies from Uganda Martyrs University. I hold International Course Certificate on Market Access for Food Security from Wageningen University, Netherlands, a well trained on Monitoring and Evaluation, Strategic Business Management, Proposal Design and Development and program management skills.
In 2006 with a group of 23 enthusiastic, motivated and committed Tanzanians, we founded an agricultural based, non governmental organization, Tanzania Agricultural Modernization Association (TAMA), I being the Board Secretary and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). TAMA reduces poverty among smallholder farmers mainly youth and women by engaging them in sunflower husbandry, mushroom farming and potato value chain and promote agribusiness. These activities have helped retain youth in villages instead of migrating to urban areas for job and employment, which in fact they are not available.
Environmental protection activities such as making energy server cooking stoves are the programs that help youth particularly adolescent girls and young women create their own employment opportunities, raise income and sustain their lives. TAMA also works with school youths and their parents on sexual and reproductive health education programs to promote more knowledge on issues of sex and sexuality to help youth remain healthy for them to reach full potential. We run vocational programs whereby youth attain vocational and entrepreneurial skills training in the areas of carpentry, tailoring, masonry and electric installation.
TAMA has recorded significant achievements towards increasing agricultural productivity, improved ecosystems management, improved health and nutrition, empowered youth and women in Tanzania.
I am the strong and active member of the National Council for NGOs in Tanzania (NACONGO), representing over 150 CSOs from Kagera Region, Tanzania. According to NGOs Act of 2002, NACONGO is mandated to coordinate and build network all NGOs in Tanzania, develop and cause to be adopted a code of conduct and other regulations which review policies that facilitate the self regulation of NGOs in the country. NACONGO as a legal national umbrella for CSOs has powers and authority to regulate and influence policy formulation, review the NGOs Act and legal frameworks that aim at strengthening the capacity of CSOs to enjoy their legal autonomy to freely deliver their services, improve public accountability and promote good governance that altogether enable poverty elimination across all sectors.
Since July 2015 I have been working as the Country Coordinator for Ecosystems Based Adaptations for Food Security Assembly (EBAFOSA) Tanzania Chapter, the Chapter which has made great achievements by managing to bring the UN systems in Tanzania and Government Ministries on board. To date, EBAFOSA Tanzania, through National Inter- Ministerial Policy Task Force engages high level policy makers, laws enforcers and UN systems to harmonize environment policies to ensure climate resilient and food security in the country. TAMA, being the host institution and I being the Country Coordinator are in the process to handle over the secretariat and coordination roles to the Tanzanian Ministry of Environment to take charge of the EBAFOSA Tanzania Chapter.
My motivation to join Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network (CSAYN) is built on the fact that every one knows that young people will change the world, the question is how will they change it? About 50% of the world population is under the age of 25, that’s 3 billion people. Young people are most affected by extreme poverty, lack of employment and poor health. All too often they are also the group with fewest opportunities to contribute to the decision making process that could change this. Tanzania is already the 10th largest youth population. 47% of the population are under the age of 15 and the youth boom is expected in the next decade. We need to prepare now for this shift and no doubt that CSAYN can help change both Tanzania and the World. I am committed and dedicated to achieve this goal!
Viva Youth! Viva CSAYN!