Divine’s Bio

Founder and Managing Director CSAYN

Ntiokam Divine has over 15 years of experience in youth entrepreneurship, advocacy and mobilization of youth interested in agriculture.In May 2014,He recently established the Climate Smart Agriculture Youth network (CSAYN), which is now operational in thirty (30) countries across; Africa, Asia,North America and USA.His background includes international exposure in youth mainstreaming, notably participating in the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development since inception where he coordinated and facilitated the translation of the Global Goals into over sixty (60) local languages, as well as transcriptioninto Braille for the visually impaired. This is to ensure “Leave No One Behind”.

In additionto this, for the SDGs to be for youth with youth, Divine designed a program entitled: African Youth for the SDGs training (AYSDGT) where youth are trained tobetter  comprehend and own the SDGs in their local languages.He has hands-on experience and training developing and managing youth projects within the EUand Non–EU countries.He is a committed young professional with team building potential, having demonstrated his ability to reach out to youth in urban and rural areas.To sum up, his bilingual (French and English) skills and networking abilities h   ave led to the CSAYN becoming operational.

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