CSAYN to Participate at the African Youth Leadership Summit

The three-day African Youth Leadership Summit, which is scheduled for 21st to 25th September, 2017, focuses on the core challenges encountered by youth leaders.

Through a competitive screening process, AYLS brings a diverse group of young delegates from the whole continent together with distinguished experts, innovators, and leaders in the public, private, and non-profit sectors for a journey of collective exploration, reflection, and networking. AYLS aims to Create a common space for inter-generational dialogue and knowledge sharing by exposing local, national, and Global Challenges through effective Leadership training, which enable our participants to make informed decisions about their career, and to foster connections Among courageous and compassionate youth and competent leaders. AYLS is the principal component of building Knowledge and to help create determined leaders.

Why Join African Youth Leadership Summit?

The delegates will learn how to develop their leadership and team management skills through workshops and small group sessions. AYLS is dedicated to long-term encouragement to develop sustainable projects and make economic activities by rolling regional and national issues. The summit is a great opportunity for young leaders to network and to develop more professional and personal relations with more than 500 delegates. Marrakesh, the international city, will host, gather and share the spirit of Leadership combined with the most exotic atmosphere of all time.

This year’s event will be graced by Dr. Samuel Opoku Gyamfi (CSAYN Morocco Country Coordinator and Regional Coordinator for North Africa)and Mr. Paul Baabe (Vice Country Coordinator, Morocco). Dr. Gyamfi will be speaking to the participants on the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’.

Visit https://www.mpmaroc.ma/ayls/ for more details about the summit.

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