African Youths For SDGs Training in Togo

In the context of advocacy and dissemination of the objectives of sustainable development in the World and in Africa in particular. During the day of 27 April 2017, the CSAYN TOGO association organized 150 young ambassadors in the Vogan Social Affairs room to promote the objectives of sustainable development in local languages (EWE). 

Background: In September 2015, world leaders adopted the world’s first ever Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), also known as the Global Goals consisting of 17 goals that are designed to end poverty, halt climate change and fight injustice and inequality. The Global Goals are the biggest attempt in the history of the human kind to make the world a better place.

We all have a role to play in making these SDGs a reality. From governments to business and policymakers and youth, we must work together to ensure that we understand what the SDGs are and how we can contribute towards paving the way for more sustainable development worldwide, and especially in our own continent of Africa and country of Togo

Objectives: African Youth for the Sustainable Development Goals is a new project that aims to engage youth aged 15-24 across Africa to better understand the SDGs and how they can contribute to the achievements of the SDGs. Africa is the youngest continent in the world, with the most youth than any other continent. We must tap into this resource and ensure that youth take their rightful place in leading change, creating innovative solutions and paving the way for a sustainable Africa. In essence, this project aims to: 

  • Explain what the SDGs are and why they are important, particularly for Africa;  Encourage African youth to develop their own ways of contributing to sustainable development at the local, national and regional levels. 
  • Raise awareness and create a platform for information sharing among youth on the SDGs.
  • Engage youth on the SDGs through leadership training activities where youth will learn how to develop and lead their own sustainable development projects that address their cities, country’s or region’s contexts, priorities and needs. 

Activities: As part of this project, the main activities were:

  • Present the objectives of sustainable development in local languages (EWE) to young people selected for training,
  • To set up a network of young ambassadors whose mission is to promote the objectives of sustainable development in their local language within their community.

Results: Implementation of this project has achieved the following results:

  • Dissemination and awareness-raising on the objectives of sustainable development in local languages (EWE),
  • Training and awareness-raising of 150 young people on the meaning of the objectives of sustainable development,
  • The setting up of a network of young people through those who have been trained (ambassadors for the SDGs).

Prospects: At the end of this session, all the young ambassadors have made a commitment to promote the objectives of sustainable development in their local language with their community (5000 youth leaders) and to carry out advocacy actions and implementation with local and national authorities. 

Difficulties Faced with our ODD projects

  • Lack of technical and financial partners. 
  • The unavailability of funds to accompany our projects. Our projects are funded by us. Self-financing, so that the desired objective is not necessarily achieved within the timeframe chosen for the projects.
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